Sala de prensa
la fauna de centroamérica

The wildlife that makes Central America a natural paradise

It’s not just its beaches and beautiful mountain scenery that makes Central America a natural paradise. The natural destinations and vegetation in Central America...
Una oficina frente al mar, en plena naturaleza o en una ciudad colonial

An office overlooking the sea, nestled amidst nature, or situated in...

Working with idyllic beaches as your backdrop amidst the splendour of a colonial city or in the heart of nature is the dream hundreds...

Discover Central America through its coffee routes

Coffee has become one of the iconic symbols of Central America. In fact, it is the region’s most exported product. For this reason, I...
Turismo volcánico

Wissen Sie, was es mit dem Vulkantourismus auf sich hat?

Vulkane gehören seit jeher zu den Naturelementen, die uns am meisten faszinieren. Kein Wunder, dass der Vulkantourismus einer der erfolgreichsten ist. Mittelamerika liegt im...
Biodiversidad Centroamerica

Biodiversity that you will only find in Central America: ecology parks

Biodiversity is the great attraction of Central America. Forests, seas, mountains... There are hundreds of spaces full of life in the region that you...
Beneficios de trabajar rodeado de plena naturaleza

The benefits of working surrounded by nature

Do you know the benefits of becoming a digital nomad? If you fall into this category, there’s something you can do to make your...

The best meditation destinations in Central America

Do you need to discover different meditation destinations in Central America to find physical and spiritual calm? I recommend this multi-destination trip through Nicaragua,...
Los volcanes más top

Top volcanoes to visit in Central America

The Central American volcanic arc stretches along the Pacific coastline of Central America, formed as a result of the active subduction zone in the...

Top 10 des meilleurs endroits pour pratiquer le Tai Chi en...

Stimulez vos cinq sens et votre âme en pratiquant le Tai Chi en Amérique centrale. Cette discipline ancienne est exactement ce dont vous avez...
 reservas naturales Costa Rica

Les meilleures réserves naturelles d’Amérique centrale

Découvrez le côté le plus authentique et le plus beau de l'Amérique centrale. Elle a toujours été une destination privilégiée pour les voyageurs aventureux...

