Sala de prensa
¿Te atreves a surfear por un volcán en Centroamérica?

Ready to Ride the Waves of a Central American Volcano?

Here is a tip for the more adventurous! Besides walking, flying, or taking a boat, there's another way to immerse yourself in the wonders...
El mejor lugar para volar libre, al sol y al viento

The Ultimate Destination for Soaring Freedom in Sun and Breeze

Among the various options for nature activities in Central America and the Dominican Republic, zip-lining is one of the most thrilling experiences. This region...
Desafía tus límites deportivos en Nicaragua, Guatemala y Belice

Push Your Athletic Boundaries in Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Belize

The fact that nature is one of the great attractions of Central America and the Dominican Republic means that the extreme outdoor sports you...
Un mundo exclusivo… a vista de pájaro

An Exclusive Realm From a Bird’s-Eye View

If you've grown weary of spending hours fixed in one spot, attempting to catch a glimpse of a particular species, Central America and the...

Mittelamerika ist auch ein Reiseziel für Rucksacktouristen

Wenn Sie demnächst eine Reise antreten, werden Ihnen diese Tipps für Rucksacktouristen sicher helfen, das beste Erlebnis während der Erkundung dieser schönen Gegen zu...

Amérique centrale : lumière, caméra, action

Connaissez-vous l'Amérique centrale au cinéma? Nous allons maintenant vous parler de plusieurs films dont certaines scènes ont été tournées en Amérique centrale, et vous...

Central America boasts more than 100 volcanoes and 1500 km of...

The Dominican Republic also offers attractions for lovers of active tourism and adventure. The Dominican Republic also offers attractions for lovers of active tourism and...

Want to go hiking near the volcanos in Guatemala, Nicaragua and...

Prepare to experience an unbeatable adventure in Central America! If you love nature and you want the excitement of exploring volcanic landscapes, you can’t...

Experience the thrill of extreme sports in Honduras, Nicaragua and the...

Fancy doing extreme sports in Central America and the Dominican Republic? This part of the world offers countless opportunities for the intrepid. We are...

Want to go hiking near the volcanos in Guatemala, Nicaragua and...

Prepare to experience an unbeatable adventure in Central America! If you love nature and you want the excitement of exploring volcanic landscapes, you can’t...

