Des expériences qu’on ne vit qu’une fois dans sa vie: réserves...
Les réserves naturelles d’Amérique centrale sont le cadre idéal pour des activités en plein air qui vous rempliront de joie. C’est le genre d’aventures...
5 unforgettable experiences to discover in Central America among nature and...
Would you like to encounter unforgettable experiences in Central America? In this post we reveal five that you will captivate you. Choose your favourite...
Central America: a destination for ecotourism
Ecotourism is now more fashionable than ever. There are many people, like you, who choose sustainable routes for the lowest impact on the destinations...
Central America and Dominican Republic offer tourism aligned with indigenous economic...
Environmental protection, gastronomy with ingredients from local producers or the preservation of the traditions of indigenous peoples are some of the pillars of sustainable...